About Me

I am a certified Project Management Professional and a volunteer at a local animal shelter, with over 11 years of experience in the tech industry and a technical background in Computer Science and Engineering. Through these experiences I have cultivated a blend of abilities in leadership, technical expertise, and analytical skills. Skills which enable me to excel at problem-solving and extracting insights from data using tools like Excel, PostgreSQL, and Python (Pandas, Seaborn). My ultimate goal is to use my unique set of skills and experiences to assist others in making informed decisions and make a positive impact in the process.


SeatGeek Ticketing Analysis

Tools used: Python (SeatGeek API), Excel
Skills: API Requests, Data Cleaning, Exploratory Data Analysis, Organization (Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, Calculated Fields, Data Manipulation through text/number/date functions), Macros, VBA
When: September-October/2023 Learn more

AirBnb Data Analysis

Tools used: Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Linear Regression Analysis, Python packages (Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scipy, Sklearn)
Skills: Data cleaning and transforming, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, modeling and evaluation
When: June-July/2023 Learn more

My311 Tableau Dashboard

Tools used: SQL (PostgreSQL), Tableau
Skills: Data cleaning, exploratory data analysis, data visualization
When: April/2023 Learn more

DogTime.com Breed Dashboard

Tools used: Excel, Googlesheets, Powerpoint
Skills: Organization (pivot tables, match/index, if functions), Dashboard design, exploratory data analysis
When: March/2023 Learn more